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March 05, 2007



Seems like a nice book, but not so "zone 5", perhaps? The cover reminds me of my neighbors' back yard... they moved here from Arizona last year and put out a lot of colorful items in their backyard.


I'm laughing because my kitchen, back hall and office are all the color of the orange (terra-cotta?) strip on the book cover, and the in all the rest of my house the walls are kind of a peach color. Does sound like a great book.

Gina Hyams

Google Alert led me to your blog. I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying the book...tell your husband that I said you can never have too many orange rooms!


chigiy Binell

The book is not so zone 5 but I think you would like it.

some one told me once that orange gives you energy. It's a great color to paint your home.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Your book is the first book I featured in my blog. I love it. Thank you for writing it.
I'm going to get Mexicasa also.

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