Here is my new favorite gardening book:
In a Mexican Garden.
It was published in 2005.
Written by Gina Hyams, Photos by Melba Levick.
I know I’m a little slow buying it, But I’m cheap. (My husband says frugal.)
I just found this gift certificate for Barnes and Noble that my girlfriend gave me a year and a half ago, and I finally got to use it.
In a Mexican Garden is a beautiful book full of color and inspiration.
I love color. Maybe a little too much.
My husband says if I paint one more room in our house orange that he’s moving out.
Our rooms aren’t all orange.
One room is bright orange.
One is not-so-bright orange.
One is sort of peachy-orange.
And one is yellow-orange.
The upstairs is yellow with some brown.
And, hey, the kitchen is turquoise, so there.
If you want to get some very beautiful and bold ideas for color, container gardens, garden furniture, garden artwork, outdoor rooms, trellises, pergolas, swimming pools, ponds, fountains, tropical, subtropical, and mediterranean plant material, get this book.
It’s also an excellent coffee-table book.
Seems like a nice book, but not so "zone 5", perhaps? The cover reminds me of my neighbors' back yard... they moved here from Arizona last year and put out a lot of colorful items in their backyard.
Posted by: Carol | March 05, 2007 at 05:49 PM
I'm laughing because my kitchen, back hall and office are all the color of the orange (terra-cotta?) strip on the book cover, and the in all the rest of my house the walls are kind of a peach color. Does sound like a great book.
Posted by: kalyn | March 06, 2007 at 09:25 AM
Google Alert led me to your blog. I'm so happy to hear that you're enjoying the book...tell your husband that I said you can never have too many orange rooms!
Posted by: Gina Hyams | March 10, 2007 at 04:21 PM
The book is not so zone 5 but I think you would like it.
some one told me once that orange gives you energy. It's a great color to paint your home.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Your book is the first book I featured in my blog. I love it. Thank you for writing it.
I'm going to get Mexicasa also.
Posted by: chigiy Binell | March 10, 2007 at 09:39 PM