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May 30, 2007



Now I'm wondering if Dahlias will grow in Utah! I don't have any, I know that.


Those are beautiful Dahlias and they look great in your pots. They add colour with the petunias and snapdragons.

Dahlias grow here, but they need to be lifted and stored every fall.


Like Kate says, I'm thinking they will grow just fine in Utah but you will have to winter them inside.

I've never seen Dahlias like these they almost look like Zinnias. They're the same size as Zinnias. All the other Dahlias I have are big.


Look at those pretty Dahlias!! They are so cool. And, yes, you can bring the tubers inside in the fall (just put them in a paper bag on an unheated porch) and then replant them next spring. Kinda like Gladiolas. I had a deep red Dahlia one year that look almost exactly like a rose. They are wonderful plants. Very pretty pot chigiy.


*LOVE* the red and white Dahlias! WOW, very pretty! :)

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