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December 20, 2007



I'd do homework again if I could go along with you all to that beautiful park!

Great idea.


Chigiy, I would definitely do homework if it involved an activity like that -- I agree with Carol. That's brilliant! It looks gorgeous, too...what a fabulous park.

I really enjoyed your Peru Gardens photo gallery in your sidebar -- what stunning pictures!


Awesome idea! I always procrastinated with my homework as well. Math was always the worst. My dad would show me how to do a problem the opposite way the teacher did and I just got more confused!


That's a great idea, although I think homework is a vastly over-rated activity. I used to be diligent for the first few years and then decided I'd had it. I am glad that I never made an issue of it with my kid - although it used to be this huge issue among parents. If my son didn't do his homework, well I figured it wouldn't kill him.

By grade 7, he did it on his own. He still does in grade 10. (I have a thing about this North American need to micro-manage our kids' lives instead of letting them run outside and just hang out doing nothing.)

Happy holidays! I'm looking forward to sleeping in and eating chocolate.


Me too.
The park is so beautiful and it's about 15 minutes from our house. I hardly ever go there. It's one of those things that you don't visit because it's in your own back yard.
Thanks for visiting my peru photos.
I really enjoyed your Secret Garden peice(s).

I can relate to your dad. My kids show me their math homework and I just stare at it, feel stupid and drool on myself because they are taught completely differently than when I went to school. Then I just tell them to go show their dad.

You have a very healthy attitude about homework. Kids should run around more and not be cooped up doing homework, especially boys.


Brilliant idea. I have a boy who is now older, but at those ages, we fought the homework thing every night. He still doesn't like school. He is bored, but he doesn't fight it anymore. He is almost thirteen.

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