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November 12, 2009



How fun! Now that I'm home all day I'm thinking I might try my hand at growing some fun inside plants. Will these survive if the house is only heated to 55 degrees at night?


Wow, good for you! I never had much luck with orchids. Perhaps I need to try again.


It's a Zygopetalum. I have a few of them also. Very nice.


Hi Kalyn,

Yes, most orchids will be fine in overnight temps of 55. Some of the more unusual ones wont like it but you don't want to start out with those anyway.

Hi Katie,
try again. Orchids are easy. If you have a window with Eastern exposure you can do it.

Thank you for the heads up. I love the fragrance, don't you?

florist Philippines

Nice orchids,i want to plant this in my garden.


flowers to Philippines

This orchid is knew to me different spot colors,I really like it good that you shared this I will make sure that I will have this. :)


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