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July 28, 2010



They are SO beautiful. What wonderful photos. I have never seen either type of those little cuties over here -- just barely 1/4 mile away from you. Interesting, huh? At any rate, I don't want 'em! They're too lovely to be within range of our bad-to-the-bone kittehs...


Aren't they gorgeous? When one lands on the feeder we all stop what were doing and stare at it. They take your breath away.
Can you believe it has taken me this long to figure out there are two different kinds?


I didn't know we had Orioles in California! Cool. Such pretty birds.

And I think the dirty windows add to the charm of the pictures.


The windows are dirty because the birds are messy eaters.

I love these photos, dear.

Lovely work.


When I first saw these birds I couldn't believe that we had something so exotic looking here. They are unbelievably beautiful in person.

Thank you dear for blaming the bird and not your messy wife. xoxo


I knew right away they were Orioles because of their color and that they were eating from the hummingbird fedder which is pretty amaizing considering I've never seen one. Oh, the power of owning a field guide for twenty-something years :)

Candy Suter

They are beautiful. I wish we had some colorful birds like that here. Nice pictures.


What's weird is Orioles aren't even listed in a lot of field guides in the bay area. They are not here year round but they are here at least half the time making babies. I love them, they are amazing in person. If you have orange trees sometimes they come visit also.

Hi Candy,
I didn't know we had these birds until just a few years ago and I've lived here my whole life.

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