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July 31, 2012



Our Terrier gets skunked frequently. He can't help himself. Skunks really set him off. We keep a quart of Odor Off in the house and we use it liberally. Good product.


Dennis, Terriers and Border Collies are smart dogs. You would think they would learn. But, NO, you are right, they can't help themselves. I will try Odor Off. Thanks.


That drunk skunk punk!
He really stunk!

Boozy fruit,
oh what a hoot.

Fermented plum,
Yummy yum.

He's in your yard,
so be on guard!

Please don't spray,
just go away!

That is all.
I think....


He had ball.
Though he did stink.

As does this poem.


Haha! Only you could tie in booze with skunks. Maybe the little partying skunk can stowaway in your carry on bag the next time you go visit Jen in SD. I'm sure he likes margaritas and fruity mojitos. Xoxo


Hey Kim, you have a point. perhaps this is why he hangs around in my yard. He feels comfortable and at home. He has found his peeps. Maybe that's why they call it "stinko."

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