« All I Wanted Was A Fence Covered With Vines and Instead I Got a Miata and a Meth Addict. | Main | Gardeners Anonymous Goes to Costa Rica…Again »

September 28, 2013


Amie Sue Caplain

OMG! This is so funny! Only YOU could take a shitty situation and make it hysterical!
Sorry about your fence...bummer.

chigiy Binell

Yah, I was thinking of making a fence out of all the cars and trucks and car parts that Rich has broken, but I think there's an ordinance against that. Oh well, I'll find something on Craigslist...Maybe a bunch of old dressers placed side by side.


oh geez... why do you get to have all the fun!? :-/

chigiy Binell

Yes, indeed my life is filled with adventure and hilarity.

Lisa Minneci

Breaking Bad... in bad form... in bad-ass Los Gatos!

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