I ran into an old friend at the beach. She told me her daughter is attending college in Santa Barbara.
First of all, that is where I want my kids to go to college.
Is it a good school? Who cares? Education, shmeducation.
It’s all about attending a place that I want to visit, isn’t it?
I also like Cal Poly, because it sits smack dab in the middle of SLO County, another one of my favorite places.
Or, Maybe I could ship them off to Hawaii?
I digress.
My friend and I got on the subject of, surprise…gardening…and she told me about a garden in Santa Barbara called Lotusland. It’s a public garden that operates in a private residential neighborhood in Montecito.
Lotusland has a rich and colorful history, but not as colorful as it’s creator, Madame Ganna Walska. As part of her search for creative fulfillment and personal enlightenment, Madame Walska bought the 37-acre Cuesta Linda estate in 1941. She called it Tibetland.
After the dissolution of her sixth marriage, she changed its name to Lotusland.
So, I happen to have another friend whose parents happen to live in Montecito.
You know who you are.
I plan to kidnap you, drive you to Montecito, pick up your mom, and zip off to Lotusland.
Please comment if you’ve been to Lotusland. I want to hear all about it.
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